ATV Couples Trip to Newfoundland After 6 years of the husbands leaving us at home to go ATVing across Newfouldland (NL), Canada, we the women decided it was time to plant our feet firmly on the ground and state "NO - unless they take us they weren't going". That's all it took and we were busy getting ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime, which would take us through Western and Central NL known as "The Rock". There were six couples aged 40 to 75 which included our Tour Guide - Roger D Cormier of Riverview, New Brunswick (NB), Canada, who owns an ATV Tour Company and has done close to 75 trips across the Island. This trip would be special due to the fact that some of us have done very little ATVing and those that had would only have gone for part of a day at a time. We left our cottages in Cambridge Narrows, NB on Friday morning to drive down to North Sydney in order to be there with lots of time to board the 9am ferry the next morning. That evening we met the other couples and spent some time at Rollie's on the Wharf for some great food, entertainment and refreshments. The walk back up to the Inn was a killer but we all slept well. Saturday morning - sunny skies and a great crossing even though the ferry was late leaving. The crossing went fast as some of us got more sleep in our cabins and there was also some great entertainment in the lounge that we all enjoyed. Upon arriving in Port aux Basques it felt like rain and after settling in to our room' boys did it rain but we were dry! Sunday morning we were up early and raring to go. We left under sunny skies for Black Duck where Roger had setup some entertainment and arranged a great homemade Chinese supper served at the lodge where we were staying. After supper Roger presented $2,000.00 and a homemade quilt to 7-year-old Becky Reid who is his team leader for the "Relay for Life". Becky has been cancer free now for 6 years and has raised thousands of dollars for Cancer and she has the voice of an angel! We met a fantastic family. Monday saw us going to Deer Lake under sunny skies and lots of laughs along the way. Probably the dullest evening of the trip as we had to stay in a motel so off in all directions. Tuesday we decided to leave early, as we hadn't seen a live Moose yet so after an early breakfast we headed out to cross the "Gaff Topsails" which is an isolated section of NL that can only be described as an "Another World". We weren't disappointed for getting up early as within 15 minutes on the trail we came across some Caribou and not long after that a large Moose not far from Howley hoping this would be one of many that we would see during our trip. Howley is where four moose were dropped off in 1904 that came from Bartibog, NB. This is responsible for the large moose population in NL. We stopped and visited with Mont Lingard (Author and Historic Railroad Buff) as we had been traveling on the old abandoned rail line. It was really nice to see the history that he has preserved in his railroad museum and hearing his stories. Upon arriving at our destination for the next two nights (Red Indian Lake Lodge) we were greeted with a great smell of roast beef and fresh bread cooking in the lodge and we knew then that this certainly wasn't a diet trip. Edmond Power who is a great entertainer arrived after supper from Grand Falls NL to entertain us and to "Screech us in". Part of this ceremony is the "Kissing of the Cod" which no one can back out from and we all became honorary Newfoundlanders! Wednesday we rode around the lake under sunny skies seeing more wildlife and beautiful scenery and afterwards another great meal was enjoyed prepared by Otto and Brenda. Thursday we left around 9.30 wearing our rain gear as it was drizzling but nothing could dampen our spirit. Upon arriving at our destination for the evening (Moose Mountain Lodge) we all took a nice hot shower and relaxed before enjoying the traditional meal of Corn Beef and Cabbage known as "Jig's Dinner" along with turkey and dressing. Dessert was homemade coconut cream, lemon and/or butterscotch pie - along with some fantastic port - Taylor 10 Year Old Tawny and since Roger represents it in NB and PEI he gave us a short educational overview of this nectar. Having eaten too much most of us were in bed quite early. Mid morning on Friday we departed for another lodge, which was 25 kms off the rail bed and a little rough going but well worth it. Wow! What a nice secluded spot with a large kitchen and again a great smell of fresh food cooking, which was enjoyed by all. After a game of "Chase the Ace" was on with Marge being the winner! Saturday morning everyone was up early but no one wanted to leave but we must as our 5:30 pm ferry will be departing without us if we don't. This last day on the trail was absolutely breath taking. Under sunny skies we took a side trip to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain as we are fast approaching the end of our trip. Opportunity to have a shower at the hotel before proceeding to embark onto the ferry for the ride back to North Sydney for a good night sleep. Sunday morning as we gathered to give hugs and say our goodbyes with the promise to do it again next year John looked at his odometer and we had traveled 1010 kms on our ATV in 8 days on the trails! Great Trip – Good Food Treats – Lots of Laughter and Memories Thanks to our host and great organizer, Roger. As I had mentioned earlier that this trip was special and I say that because it is one of many to come. As it's now 2008 and the reservations have been made with a slight change of plans - we are going to take the ferry to Argentia and ride across to Port aux Basques this time and "Yes" our husbands will get to enjoy our company again! |